Bug #7764
closedmentat-controller can fail after multiple attempts to stop modules
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% Done:
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To be discussed:
$ sudo --command stop
2023-08-14 10:05:12,450 INFO: Executing script command 'stop'
2023-08-14 10:05:12,450 INFO: Stopping all configured Mentat modules:
2023-08-14 10:05:13,857 INFO: Module '': Stopping module, attempt #1
2023-08-14 10:05:13,858 INFO: Module '': Sending signal 'SIGINT' to process '18456'
2023-08-14 10:05:13,858 INFO: Module '': Stopping module, attempt #1
2023-08-14 10:05:13,858 INFO: Module '': Sending signal 'SIGINT' to process '18476'
2023-08-14 10:05:13,858 INFO: Module '': Sending signal 'SIGINT' to process '18482'
2023-08-14 10:05:13,858 INFO: Module '': Sending signal 'SIGINT' to process '18489'
2023-08-14 10:05:13,858 INFO: Module '': Sending signal 'SIGINT' to process '18499'
2023-08-14 10:05:13,859 INFO: Module '': Sending signal 'SIGINT' to process '18510'
2023-08-14 10:05:13,859 INFO: Module '': Stopping module, attempt #1
2023-08-14 10:05:13,859 INFO: Module '': Sending signal 'SIGINT' to process '18514'
2023-08-14 10:05:13,859 INFO: Module '': Sending signal 'SIGINT' to process '18518'
2023-08-14 10:05:13,859 INFO: Module '': Sending signal 'SIGINT' to process '18523'
2023-08-14 10:05:13,859 INFO: Module '': Sending signal 'SIGINT' to process '18530'
2023-08-14 10:05:13,859 INFO: Module '': Sending signal 'SIGINT' to process '18536'
2023-08-14 10:05:13,859 INFO: Waiting for modules to fully shut down
2023-08-14 10:05:14,999 INFO: Module '': Stopping module, attempt #2
2023-08-14 10:05:14,999 INFO: Module '': Sending signal 'SIGINT' to process '18456'
2023-08-14 10:05:14,999 INFO: Module '': Stopping module, attempt #2
2023-08-14 10:05:14,999 INFO: Module '': Sending signal 'SIGINT' to process '18476'
2023-08-14 10:05:14,999 INFO: Module '': Sending signal 'SIGINT' to process '18482'
2023-08-14 10:05:14,999 INFO: Module '': Sending signal 'SIGINT' to process '18489'
2023-08-14 10:05:15,000 INFO: Module '': Sending signal 'SIGINT' to process '18499'
2023-08-14 10:05:15,000 INFO: Module '': Sending signal 'SIGINT' to process '18510'
2023-08-14 10:05:15,000 INFO: Module '': Stopping module, attempt #2
2023-08-14 10:05:15,000 INFO: Module '': Sending signal 'SIGINT' to process '18514'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/", line 50, in <module>
File "/var/mentat/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyzenkit/", line 1559, in run
File "/var/mentat/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyzenkit/", line 1472, in _stage_process
File "/var/mentat/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyzenkit/", line 353, in _sub_stage_process
File "/var/mentat/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyzenkit/", line 410, in execute_script_command
self.runlog[command_name] = cbk() # pylint: disable=locally-disabled,not-callable
File "/var/mentat/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mentat/module/", line 490, in cbk_command_stop
self._module_signal(self.modules[mname], proc, signal.SIGINT)
File "/var/mentat/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mentat/module/", line 834, in _module_signal
self._signal(mod_data, pid, sig)
File "/var/mentat/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mentat/module/", line 827, in _signal
os.kill(pid, sig)
ProcessLookupError: [Errno 3] No such process
Updated by Rajmund Hruška 5 months ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assignee set to Rajmund Hruška
- Target version changed from Backlog to 2.13.1
Updated by Rajmund Hruška 5 months ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
Updated by Rajmund Hruška 5 months ago
- Status changed from Resolved to In Review