

Rajmund Hruška

  • Login:
  • Registered on: 08/04/2020
  • Last connection: 12/18/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 6 116 122
Reported issues 17 84 101


Project Roles Registered on
Mentat Manager, Developer 08/04/2020
Warden Reporter 08/04/2020



01:23 PM Mentat Bug #7816 (Resolved): In the email about filter change, group is empty string for global filters
... Rajmund Hruška


05:09 PM Mentat Feature #7611: Script for modification of postgresql.conf for only necessary changes
We could enhance the existing @mentat-postgresql@ role in Padrino. It would have a dictionary of the values we want t... Rajmund Hruška
04:40 PM Mentat Bug #7807: Timeline queries are not shown in My queries
Jakub Maloštik wrote in #note-2:
> user#624 Ansible should probably be updated based on the changes to documentation...
Rajmund Hruška
04:39 PM Mentat Bug #7807 (Closed): Timeline queries are not shown in My queries
Rajmund Hruška
04:36 PM Mentat Revision ab91fdb1 (mentat-ng): DEPLOY: Version bumped up to '' to build a new distribution
(#7807) Rajmund Hruška
04:33 PM Mentat Bug #7815 (Closed): Shibboleth deprecation MetadataGenerator handler
As shown by @systemctl status apache2@ both on @mentat-dev@ and @mentat-hub@:... Rajmund Hruška
04:24 PM Mentat Support #7814 (New): Allow access to GUI during maintenance for restricted users/networks
Rajmund Hruška
04:09 PM Mentat Revision 622ffd21 (mentat-ng): Merge remote-tracking branch 'gitlab/malostik-bugfix-#7807-timeline-my-queries' into devel
Rajmund Hruška
02:24 PM Mentat Bug #7813 (New): Events with multiple resolved abuses send report to each group
This could result in the same report sent multiple times:
Rajmund Hruška
10:30 AM Mentat Revision 53bf5c9a (mentat-ng): Merge branch 'release'
Rajmund Hruška

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