


Basic usage


Common x86 PC

The easiest method to install BESIP image is to boot up any Linux based distribution and download BESIP image provided from [[]]. This repository consists of targets which some of them provides images for common device and also virtual drives for virtualization (as a vmdk files).

If your Linux/MacOS/... (that has dd) machine is already booted up, the BESIP image should be installed this way (We presume that you need to be root to install BESIP image.):

But be afraid!! It will erase entire disk!

dd if=besip-virtual_1.2beta3-owrt_trunk_rxxxxx.img of=/dev/Xda

Where variable X depends on your type of your harddrive (SATA or IDE).

Virtualized host using KVM

This command will run kvm, redirect serial console to tty, redirects ports to access SSH via localhost:2222 and emulates network card e1000.

kvm -net nic,model=e1000 -net user,hostfwd=tcp::2222-:22 \
        -nographic \
        -drive file=besip-virtual_1.2beta3-owrt_trunk_rxxxxx.vmdk,index=0,media=disk,if=ide

NOTE: if you do want to install BESIP image onto device which is not built by our targets, please follow instructions how to built your custom BESIP image for your specific target in section OpenWrt


For virtualbox there is a guideline - [[]] that shows how to install OpenWrt image. Those steps are the same for BESIP image. Just create new virtual machine with existing virtual hard drive, enable at least one console port and bridge network card.

Any OpenWrt enabled router/device

Methods how to install to OpenWrt enabled device (like as wifi routers) are described here - [[]].