Task #7732
openMenu reorganisation and cleanup
The Mentat menu grew a tad organically during the years, with some now illogical item placement and naming. We would like to make it more straightforward, discoverable, not too long or crowded. Hopefully prominent functions should be just click away (in main menu), but every addition to main menubar should be weighted carefully.
Let's try to summarise the results of the discussion from the live meeting.
Possibly surplus items:
- Dashboards/Object management - mostly unused and mainly for maintainers. Let's move it into Administration menu for now, and try to make sure we are able to get the same results by particular management interfaces (users, groups, filters, reporting settins) and get rid of it completely.
- More/Filter playground is accessible from filter editation with proper context, so there should be no need to have a specific menu for a hollow form.
- More/Data services - can be replaced by Host info module (#7708).
That leaves us with following (grouped by related functionality):
- Reports (search for the specific reports), Dashboards/Reporting (on fly stats of reports)
- Events (search for the specific events), Timeline (on fly stats of events), Dashboards/Events (precalculated data from possibly longer timeframe)
- Administration/*
If we need more place on the main menu, we could clench them into Reports and Events submenus, but currently it's probably still fine to leave main functions there, so if we rename them to something more descriptive, I'd vote for puting them toplevel.
My renaming idea (to discuss, feel free to weigh in):
- Reports
- Dashboards/Reporting - Reporting overview
- Events
- Timeline - Events overview
- Dashboards/Events - History
- Administration/*
Related issues
Updated by Jakub Judiny 7 months ago
- Blocked by Feature #7708: Host info module added