Feature #5066
Warden should maybe check for duplicate IDEA message identifiers
Added by Jan Mach over 5 years ago.
Updated over 1 year ago.
Due to performance reasons Warden currently does not seem to check for duplicate message identifiers. Maybe it should enforce the IDEA schema requirement for these IDs to be unique.
- Subject changed from Warden should maybe check for duplicit IDEA message identifiers to Warden should maybe check for duplicate IDEA message identifiers
- Assignee changed from Warden to Pavel Kácha
Kind request for advice. This might be the low hanging fruit, however it may affect performance. Radko, do you think simple adding idea_id TINYTEXT with UNIQUE constraint into EVENTS table fits the bill? Or would you have any other idea? (Note we're talking MySQL here. )
Pavel Kácha wrote:
Kind request for advice. This might be the low hanging fruit, however it may affect performance. Radko, do you think simple adding idea_id TINYTEXT with UNIQUE constraint into EVENTS table fits the bill? Or would you have any other idea? (Note we're talking MySQL here. )
That is the approach I would use with PostgreSQL. A quick search shows that the implementation and mechanics are very similar in both [1], so this really might be a low hanging fruit.
Note that editing the schema will only work with new installations, for existing you need the "ALTER TABLE ... ADD CONSTRAINT ... UNIQUE (column);
" version.
[1] http://www.mysqltutorial.org/mysql-unique-constraint/
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- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
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