Task #7545
openReview SQLAlchemy vs Flask-SQLAlchemy consolidation options
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To be discussed:
Actually we have three methods of database model definition and access.
- Direct one for event database. We've already decided this doesn't change in #4628.
- Flask-SQLAlchemy and some direct SQLAlchemy(*) access within Hawat.
- Direct SQLAlchemy access(*) within Mentat - commandline tools and daemons.
Seems we could rewrite cmd utils to Flask CLI, benefiting from code simplification (probably even replacing/removing ZenScript parts of ZenKit). We would however still need some means to access Mentat configuration.
It might be harder for daemons (reporter for example).
So, the aim of this task is to review *SQLAlchemy usage, possibilities of consolidation (and removing the kludge to support both Hawat and Mentat apps) for informed decision and plan after.
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