


Mentions of Jan Mach


12:57 PM Mentat Task #7539: Migrate from Buildbot to GitLab
*Pynspect*, *Pyzenkit*, *typedcols*, *ipranges* and *idea* are already at and CI/CD seems to be work... Rajmund Hruška


05:36 PM Mentat Task #7494: Fix skipped/broken unit tests
Rajmund Hruska wrote in #note-3:
> In one of the meetings, we talked about removing/merging @vial@ and user#3 said h...
Pavel Kácha


05:41 PM Mentat Task #7494 (Feedback): Fix skipped/broken unit tests
In one of the meetings, we talked about removing/merging @vial@ and user#3 said he will do it. All of the skipped tes... Rajmund Hruška


04:51 PM Mentat Feature #6308: Reimplement timeline calculations on database
user#3 wrote:
> Conclusions from yesterdays meeting:
> * Based on some measurements we will use following approach:...
Jan Mach


10:48 AM Mentat Feature #6308: Reimplement timeline calculations on database
user#3 wrote:
> There are following steps remaining to be done:
> * Change the pie chart for multivalue sets li...
Jan Mach


07:54 PM Mentat Feature #6254: Detector list in Event search result table is not populated by all Nodes from original IDEA
user#3 wrote:
> The event search result table *deliberately* displays only the first item from *Node[]* list, becaus...
Radko Krkoš


04:17 PM Mentat Feature #4273: Consider/choose/implement different communication protocol
user#3 wrote:
> I think, that the goal of using some better queue mechanism is also to move to the producer-consumer...
Pavel Kácha


10:25 AM Mentat Feature #5751: Consolidate event class configuration
user#3 wrote:
> What is the status of this issue, do you consider it production ready? We should discuss this on our...
Jan Žerdík


08:20 PM Mentat Bug #6105: Upgrade PDNSR service to API version v1
user#391 wrote:
> user#3 wrote:
> > The PDNSR service recently deprecated its v0 API. It is necessary to make some ...
Jan Mach
08:11 PM Mentat Bug #6105: Upgrade PDNSR service to API version v1
user#3 wrote:
> The PDNSR service recently deprecated its v0 API. It is necessary to make some changes to work with ...
Radko Krkoš


10:21 AM Mentat Bug #4384: Possibility of DoS by repeating long query
user#3 wrote:
> user#17 wrote:
> >, clicked from ...
Pavel Kácha


05:49 PM Mentat Bug #4384: Possibility of DoS by repeating long query
user#17 wrote:
> user#3 wrote:
> > Groundwork for working with named queries should now be in place. There are foll...
Jan Mach
02:59 PM Mentat Bug #4384: Possibility of DoS by repeating long query
user#3 wrote:
> Groundwork for working with named queries should now be in place. There are following features:
Pavel Kácha


01:10 PM Mentat Feature #4277: Test split ranges in metadata table
user#17 wrote:
> user#3 wrote:
> > user#17 wrote:
> > > user#391 wrote:
> > > > This fits in RAM, so no thrashing...
Radko Krkoš
12:59 PM Mentat Feature #4277: Test split ranges in metadata table
user#3 wrote:
> user#17 wrote:
> > user#391 wrote:
> > > This fits in RAM, so no thrashing. Performing @VACUUM@ an...
Pavel Kácha


08:38 PM Mentat Feature #4277: Test split ranges in metadata table
user#3 wrote:
> Also, I have tried searching according to the source IP and it takes horribly long on the *mentat-al...
Radko Krkoš
03:59 PM Mentat Feature #4277: Test split ranges in metadata table
user#3 wrote:
> Because this work has a potential to cause big problems in case anything goes wrong, I would like to...
Jan Mach


04:14 PM Mentat Bug #4518: Inconsistent time ranges in dashboard
user#3 wrote:
> user#17 wrote:
> > Czech locale, timezone explicitly set at user account to Europe/Prague.
> >
Pavel Kácha


02:31 PM Mentat Feature #5278: Implement more complex object data services
user#3 wrote:
> user#17 wrote:
> > Seems to me Targets don't get info from DNS/PassiveDNS, that's intentional?
Pavel Kácha
02:20 PM Mentat Feature #5278: Implement more complex object data services
user#17 wrote:
> user#3 wrote:
> > user#17 wrote:
> > > Very coool. Appreciate the work that went into it. Limit f...
Jan Mach
01:19 PM Mentat Feature #5278: Implement more complex object data services
user#3 wrote:
> user#17 wrote:
> > Very coool. Appreciate the work that went into it. Limit for number of items is ...
Pavel Kácha


09:07 PM Mentat Feature #4486: Generate chart toplists in JavaScript (aka. Igliar Button)
user#17 wrote:
> user#3 wrote:
> > user#17 wrote:
> > > I still see _REST_ on Mentat-alt Events dashboard analyze...
Jan Mach
11:50 AM Mentat Feature #4486: Generate chart toplists in JavaScript (aka. Igliar Button)
user#3 wrote:
> user#17 wrote:
> > I still see _REST_ on Mentat-alt Events dashboard analyzers, categsets and othe...
Pavel Kácha


03:23 PM Mentat Bug #4569: Hawat DB connection is not recreated if dropped
user#391 wrote:
> user#3 wrote:
> > user#391 wrote:
> > > Sadly I can confirm that some Mentat daemons (I have see...
Jan Mach


09:06 AM Mentat Bug #4569: Hawat DB connection is not recreated if dropped
user#3 wrote:
> user#391 wrote:
> > Sadly I can confirm that some Mentat daemons (I have seen enricher) sometimes f...
Radko Krkoš
08:18 AM Mentat Bug #4569: Hawat DB connection is not recreated if dropped
user#391 wrote:
> user#3 wrote:
> > I have just deployed the attached patch to the mentat-alt test system and sadly...
Jan Mach


10:57 AM Mentat Bug #4569 (Feedback): Hawat DB connection is not recreated if dropped
user#3 wrote:
> I have just deployed the attached patch to the mentat-alt test system and sadly I have to report, th...
Radko Krkoš


11:07 AM Mentat Feature #4230: Make use of existing or implement own mechanism for handling SQL schema migrations.
user#17 wrote:
> user#3 wrote:
> > user#17 wrote:
> > > Cooool!
> > >
> > > As I understand it, this is general...
Jan Mach
11:01 AM Mentat Feature #4230: Make use of existing or implement own mechanism for handling SQL schema migrations.
user#3 wrote:
> user#17 wrote:
> > Cooool!
> >
> > As I understand it, this is general mechanism, so migrations ...
Pavel Kácha


06:27 PM Mentat Bug #4515: Runaway query?
user#17 wrote:
> user#3 wrote:
> > user#391 wrote:
> > > user#3 wrote:
> > > > user#391 wrote:
> > > > > user#17...
Jan Mach
05:58 PM Mentat Bug #4515: Runaway query?
user#3 wrote:
> user#391 wrote:
> > user#3 wrote:
> > > user#391 wrote:
> > > > user#17 wrote:
> > > > > Beware,...
Pavel Kácha
05:40 PM Mentat Bug #4515: Runaway query?
user#391 wrote:
> user#3 wrote:
> > user#391 wrote:
> > > user#17 wrote:
> > > > Beware, it's not 260 days of ful...
Jan Mach
04:49 PM Mentat Bug #4515: Runaway query?
user#3 wrote:
> user#391 wrote:
> > user#17 wrote:
> > > Beware, it's not 260 days of full data. We now have cutof...
Radko Krkoš
02:17 PM Mentat Bug #4515: Runaway query?
user#3 wrote:
> I have inspected the log file /var/mentat/log/ and found this in relevant time in...
Radko Krkoš


09:16 AM Mentat Feature #4366: Implement API access to event database
user#3 wrote:
> Sadly there is nothing more that can be done with the escaping of @"@ character, because it is a val...
Radko Krkoš


12:55 PM Mentat Feature #4366: Implement API access to event database
user#391 wrote:
> I am probably not the one you are asking, but I like it a lot. :)
> I have just one remark.
Jan Mach


05:33 PM Mentat Feature #4366: Implement API access to event database
I am probably not the one you are asking, but I like it a lot. :)
I have just one remark.
user#3 wrote:
> Valid ...
Radko Krkoš
03:26 PM Mentat Task #4382: Upgrade PostgreSQL to version 11
user#3 wrote:
> user#391 wrote:
> > # What about the @postgresql-server-dev-10@ package? Any idea what it was used ...
Radko Krkoš


05:05 PM Mentat Feature #4398: Use established lists of possible values for suitable columns instead of dynamic enumerations
user#3 wrote:
> I think that this is not possible due to the nature of IDEA format. There is a possibility for diffe...
Radko Krkoš


07:20 PM Mentat Bug #4350 (Closed): Enum table not populated for cesnet_inspectionerrors
user#3 wrote:
> user#391 wrote:
> > I seem not to understand the problem here. Please explain. Was it the 1000s run...
Radko Krkoš


01:14 PM Mentat Bug #4363 (Closed): Extend the combined GIN index (events_combined_idx)
user#3 wrote:
> Do I understand it correctly that the @events_cesnet_resolvedabuses_idx@ can be dropped without any ...
Radko Krkoš


02:47 PM Mentat Task #4210: Release and deploy Mentat package version 2.0
user#3 wrote:
> 7696 files changed, 62923 insertions(+), 7499 deletions(-)
> 494
A helluva ride for mostly a one...
Pavel Kácha


04:02 PM Mentat Task #4114: Report content design and adjustments
user#3 wrote:
> * Improve event classifications in classifying inspection module
> * Improve report section labels ...
Pavel Kácha


09:49 AM Mentat Task #3426: Popis IP rozsahov v IDEA správach
user#3 wrote:
> úpravy ve schématu databáze jsme plánovali udělat najednou s přechodem na Python
Rozumiem, pri te...
Radko Krkoš
09:40 AM Mentat Task #3426: Popis IP rozsahov v IDEA správach
user#3 wrote:
> * Pokud se jedná o síť, tak ip == min a obsahuje adresu sítě
Tohle je pro mě taky novinka, měl js...
Pavel Kácha


12:20 PM Mentat Feature #3364: Implement module
user#3 wrote:
> Additionally, IDEA messages stored in database contain some additional attributes, that are database...
Pavel Kácha
11:58 AM Mentat Feature #3364: Implement module
user#3 wrote:
> Current implementation should however be considered as prototype and proof of concept, because it pr...
Pavel Kácha